Watt to Peso is an online calculator. It calculates your consumption for an hour, for a day, for a week, and for a month. Watt to Peso converts your appliance consumption to Philippine Peso(Php) and to kilowatt(kW). The calculation is based on Meralco.

The purpose of this website is to help the consumers be aware of their consumption. Some people are conscious about their usage and their monthly electricity bills. In this website the consumers can check the consumption of each of their appliances. This might help the consumers lessen unnecessary appliances to conserve energy. Conserving energy gives the consumers the opportunity to save more money and save the World!

This website is created by a Grade 12 Student in STI College Las PiƱas in partial fulfillment of the requirements for their research paper, entitled "The Effect of Using an Online Converter to Reduce the Cosumption of the Appliances of the Consumers". The Goal of the research is to know if there is a significant effect on using an online converter namely Watt to Peso to reduce the consumption of the consumers.